Tuesday, October 15, 2013

long exposure

This type of  photo Is called Long-exposure.

There are not that many steps you have to take but some of the steps I took
-First set the camera up on a tripod 
-find a busy street
-i got a high angle and angled towards traffic
-i put the Fstop at 16
- shutter speed to Bulb
and then i held down the shutter for 9+ seconds 
Traffic head light and tail light trails give a stunning effect and are a great way to get acquainted with long exposure times. Select a busy road that has lots of traffic at night. Use a sturdy tripod and position the camera so that it has an overview of the area. Use a small aperture of f/16 or smaller for a greater depth of field, making most of the image in focus. The longer the exposure, the more lines will appear and the longer they will look.

Monday, September 23, 2013


This shot is called panoramic. You get this shot by multiple steps. First you get your camera and tripod, after you find your subject and or setting you set up your camera and tripod in a area you think is fit to take the photos. After you get your camera set up and settings configured you then take your first shot going from left to right just like a book, well at least that's what i did. You have to overlap your shots and make sure the meter is balanced every time where you had it so it comes out as a clean picture. try not to have any movement  because when you get into Photoshop it might not align up as you planned it to. When you get into photo shop go find scrips and add layers then it will align the photos and do the handwork for you! Isn't that just easy. Finally after its all stitched together you do your final edits and get it how you want it to look, remember it’s your photo make it represent you.


This style of photography is called HDR. Some of the supplies you need of course are
the camera a tripod you can use a flash it just depends where you are shooting. First
you find a spot and a subject you want to shoot. Next you set your camera and tripod
up adjusts all the settings so it is completely even.  After you take that first shot, you
then even it out with every other shot like a mirror. You go one up you have to go
one down. So on and so forth I went up four up and also four down below and above
zero! You don’t have to do that many times but I was hoping the picture would come
out more clearly but since it was a windy day it didn't really help at all it is still blurry
as you can see. there aren't many beautiful things on campus but the new planted trees and all the other trees represent the beauty that used to roam acres and acres of land full of oranges and just open land with out many disturbances in nature. now all we really have left in Escondido are these trees that WE ALL TAKE FOR GRANTED.

Thursday, September 5, 2013


photo credit to anthony mitchell for taking the picture of my face! well this is out double exposure project. okay well first off you need a blank background after you have a good solid picture you like you find a LARGE image a real picture that was taken then you open your photo you or your partner took of your face upload it and open it in photoshop after you upload and edit it how you want it i put the opacity  around 40% and then made it layer 1 and made the lightning picture my background.after i did that i erased what was not need to fill in my torso and head after i was all finished i flattened the image out and then i save it to ms youngs flash drive k cool 200 words is hard bye

Tuesday, September 3, 2013


During photo class we started this project called "multiplicity", taking the pictures was somewhat challenging because of where she was standing to get all tyhe right adjustments but in the end the pictures where worth it . So taking the pictures where challenging but editing it and making the final out come was even HARDER! Well to set up the camera i had to use a tripod, the camera of corse, my model Bianca and the kickplate for the camera to sit on the tripod. Even though i couldnt move the camera or it would mess everything up to get this kind of shot was fairly simple all you do is get your settings right have and have your model stand or do different things in different areas of your landscape you are working with. Now for the editing part. First off you open photoshop and pick all the picutres you are using and lay them on top of eachother on different layers. So you have the background layer then layer 1 so on and so forth. well i locked my background image so i didnt mess with it. next you go to whatever layer you want to work on and erase the area you dont need for example i only needed bianca and her shadow and then i erased the extra and blank space i did not need same for the next layer. After i finished all of that i flattened the image out and WALA! its done :)