Monday, September 23, 2013


This shot is called panoramic. You get this shot by multiple steps. First you get your camera and tripod, after you find your subject and or setting you set up your camera and tripod in a area you think is fit to take the photos. After you get your camera set up and settings configured you then take your first shot going from left to right just like a book, well at least that's what i did. You have to overlap your shots and make sure the meter is balanced every time where you had it so it comes out as a clean picture. try not to have any movement  because when you get into Photoshop it might not align up as you planned it to. When you get into photo shop go find scrips and add layers then it will align the photos and do the handwork for you! Isn't that just easy. Finally after its all stitched together you do your final edits and get it how you want it to look, remember it’s your photo make it represent you.

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