Tuesday, September 3, 2013


During photo class we started this project called "multiplicity", taking the pictures was somewhat challenging because of where she was standing to get all tyhe right adjustments but in the end the pictures where worth it . So taking the pictures where challenging but editing it and making the final out come was even HARDER! Well to set up the camera i had to use a tripod, the camera of corse, my model Bianca and the kickplate for the camera to sit on the tripod. Even though i couldnt move the camera or it would mess everything up to get this kind of shot was fairly simple all you do is get your settings right have and have your model stand or do different things in different areas of your landscape you are working with. Now for the editing part. First off you open photoshop and pick all the picutres you are using and lay them on top of eachother on different layers. So you have the background layer then layer 1 so on and so forth. well i locked my background image so i didnt mess with it. next you go to whatever layer you want to work on and erase the area you dont need for example i only needed bianca and her shadow and then i erased the extra and blank space i did not need same for the next layer. After i finished all of that i flattened the image out and WALA! its done :)

1 comment:

  1. You need to also write about double exposures and post a picture for that.
