Monday, September 23, 2013


This style of photography is called HDR. Some of the supplies you need of course are
the camera a tripod you can use a flash it just depends where you are shooting. First
you find a spot and a subject you want to shoot. Next you set your camera and tripod
up adjusts all the settings so it is completely even.  After you take that first shot, you
then even it out with every other shot like a mirror. You go one up you have to go
one down. So on and so forth I went up four up and also four down below and above
zero! You don’t have to do that many times but I was hoping the picture would come
out more clearly but since it was a windy day it didn't really help at all it is still blurry
as you can see. there aren't many beautiful things on campus but the new planted trees and all the other trees represent the beauty that used to roam acres and acres of land full of oranges and just open land with out many disturbances in nature. now all we really have left in Escondido are these trees that WE ALL TAKE FOR GRANTED.

1 comment:

  1. I think the background you choose has too much going on , its distracting. its still a good photo though.
